Setting Your 2020 Goals: Maximize your happiness this year by clearly defining your goals

“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” asked Alice of the Chesire Cat. “That depends a great deal on where you want to get to,” he replied. And so goes the tale of Alice in Wonderland, which isn’t much different from your career goals! If you want to get moving along your career path, you simply need to know where you’re trying to go—and that’s why it’s important to clearly define your goals.  

Start Thinking Now! 

As 2020 gets underway, it’s the perfect time to think about what you want from the year. Dream big! What accomplishments will make you happy, career-wise? You can start to plan for one-year goals, and longer. If your end goal will take longer than a year to complete, you just need to break it down into steps you can accomplish in 2020, and get to it!  

Four Reasons Why Goals Are Good for you 

So why set goals? Quite simply, they help you to be more productive. Just check out the following reasons, as presented by one of the leading staffing agencies in Atlanta:  

Goals are Motivating

It’s exciting to think about the future, and even more exciting when you have a plan to help you accomplish great things. By reviewing your goals, crossing off steps as you complete them, and keeping your “eye on the prize,” you’ll have constant encouragement to keep working.  

Goals Keep You Focused

This is especially true when you set deadlines to complete your steps. If it’s between an evening of Netflix or meeting a goal-driven deadline, you’ll be more likely to choose the deadline (especially if the end goal is something you’re passionate about). 

Goals Help You Master a New Skill. 

It takes time to learn new things, plus commitment and practice to master them. When you’re chasing your dreams through goal-setting, it helps you to stick to your plan and become a master of something new.  

Goals Build Self-Confidence. 

What if your goal is to get promoted at work? Imagine how good you’ll feel when all your hard work pays off! Accomplishing great things for yourself is a powerful reminder of how much you can do when you set your mind to it. You just may find yourself walking around with your head held a little higher.  

You Can Do It!  

Get to work now planning your year. Figure out which steps you can accomplish on your own, and which you’ll need guidance to complete—and get going! Your 2020 is going to be a banner year.  

Need Help Finding a New Job? 

Maybe one of your goals is finding a new job in the New Year. And if you’re not sure what steps to take, Snelling Georgia Group can help. We work with candidates to find jobs in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area. To learn more, contact us today!  

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