Make 2017 Your Best Year EVER: Get Motivated and Get it Done

It’s a new year and the possibilities for what you can achieve are endless! If you were looking for a new job in 2016 or if you’re planning a job hunt in 2017, you may feel apprehensive. Searching for something new can be intimidating, especially if you’ve recently graduated or haven’t been out to market in awhile. So what can you do to psych yourself up and prepare for the work ahead of you? It’s easy with a few motivational tips!

How to get—and stay—motivated in your 2017 job search

Picture the classic scene from the movie Rocky: running up the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, in preparation for his big match! As you take steps to prepare for the job search and interview process, get in the mindset of training just like an athlete. Try all of the following:

Set a realistic timeline.

Hoping to find a new job in just a few days? You may be setting yourself up for disappointment. Just like an athlete needs time to train, you need time for your job hunt! Set aside adequate time to search, get your paperwork together, prepare for interviews, etc. If you’re mentally prepared for the full process, you will be able to maintain focus. You may want to contact a recruiter, who can coach you through your search. Recruiters also have access to both listed and unlisted job openings and can help move things along more quickly.

Believe that you can do it.

Rocky got knocked down in some matches, but always got back up. Don’t get down on yourself! You’ve worked hard to earn your degree and land your current job. Never deny yourself the ability to feel proud of your accomplishments, even if the twists and turns in your job search yield the occasional rejection. And if your job search uncovers the need for additional education or training, make plans to do that.

Make a solid plan.

Where will you search for jobs, how will you update your Linked In page and resume, and which recruiter will you work with? What type of job are you looking for? The more you understand about your career needs and process, the smoother your job search will go.

Keep yourself healthy.

Getting over-stressed, eating poorly and losing sleep is not a recipe for success! When you keep your body and mind in good shape, you’ll be better prepared for the work ahead. So remember to eat well, exercise regularly and talk to someone if you’re really feeling anxious about things. Take all steps to keep yourself well.

Take time off when you need it.

Job hunting is time-consuming, almost as much work as a full-time job! So take a day off from your search to clear your head, do something fun and refocus. You’ll be amazed the good it will do, and you’ll be ready to jump back into the fight!

Looking for assistance in your job search?

Check out Snelling Georgia Group! We’ll work with you to understand your career needs and find a job you love in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area. To learn more, contact us today!

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