The key to developing better personal relationships at work

Work, like all things in life, involves relationships with other people. Even if you work remotely, you’ll have coworkers and your boss relying on you each day for various tasks and responsibilities. Your work is directly linked to the progress of others, and in order for company processes to move along smoothly—everyone needs to get their work done. This can be much more efficient (and enjoyable) when you get along with your coworkers. You don’t need to be best friends, but mutual respect is beneficial for a civil relationship. So—what’s the best way to make this happen?

It’s all about good communication

You may have already guessed, but communication is the way to build strong relationships—whether personal or professional. By conveying thoughts and needs between yourself and others, you can understand more about each other, provide support and help, and get your jobs done more efficiently.

What’s involved in good communication?

Good communication is equal parts listening, speaking, and writing. Here’s how you can make the most of all three:

  1. Listening. When someone is talking to you, simply open your ears and listen to what they’re saying. Please keep an open mind and don’t assume you already know what they’re about to tell you. Then, repeat back what you’ve understood for confirmation, and ask for clarification for anything you didn’t quite understand.
  2. Speaking. Communicating effectively involves saying what you need to and then making sure the other person got your meaning and intent. Watch for physical cues in terms of body language that indicate the person has understood. It can also help others understand when you say the same thing in more than one way. Try not to use jargon or figures of speech, as not everyone may understand the meaning. When you’re finished, always pause and give the other person the opportunity to ask any questions they may have. Then, provide the answers. The best way to build good relationships is to be kind and respectful with your words.
  3. Writing. Written communication is another way you may need to transfer thoughts and ideas to your coworkers. Keep your written communications as brief and to the point as possible. Share the information you need and ask people to contact you to discuss or review further. Too long of communication can cause people to lose or miss your meaning, especially if they decide to skim. Practice good grammar and spelling.

Concerns with work relationships?

Sometimes, no matter how well you communicate, you’ll find you’re just not getting along with your coworkers. This could be due to a negative or toxic work environment, which is never a comfortable situation. If you find yourself in need of a change, contact Snelling Georgia Group! Check out our job search page to learn more about open opportunities.

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